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Classical Eastern Perspectives of Well-being

Dr. Paola Lake welcomes guest, Ahmad Miles, to share his perspectives on improving ones well-being based on his knowledge of eastern cultures . Trained in classical five element acupuncture with over 30 years of experience, Ahmad Miles shares his eastern approach to helping others improve their well-being by focusing on their spirituality, acceptance of self, and working in harmony with nature. Dr. Ahmad Miles is author of "Tao of Well-being: The Transformation of Suffering into Health" and an award winning poet.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Breaking the Barriers of Limiting Core Beliefs

On this episode Dr. Paola Lake, registered psychologist, has a discussion with Leadership Performance Coach Kryssie Thomson. We take a look core beliefs and how they shape us as well as ways we can identify limiting beliefs and replace them with new empowering beliefs.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Burnout: When Your Cup is Empty

Registered psychologist Dr. Paola Lake and retired nurse Ginny Gossen examine the how the demands of the workplace can lead to burnout. We take a look at the pressures that lead to burnout, explore ways to prevent burning out, and share methods that may help when experiencing burnout.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Beyond Loneliness

What does it mean to be lonely? How can we cope with the feeling of being lonely? Registered psychologist Dr. Paola Lake explores some of her observations and thoughts on how individuals can deal with the emotions that come with being alone.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Breaking Barriers to Finding Love

Registered psychologist Dr. Paola Lake sits down with retired registered psychologist Dr. Larry Waterman for a discussion about love and why people fail to find compatible partners. We look at some of the core barriers that keep people alone or in unhealthy relationships and how we can change those situations.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Fear of Loneliness

Dr. Paola Lake, registered psychologist, and Pam Clark, executive coach, discuss the epidemic of loneliness, factors that increase loneliness in modern society, and its effects on physical and emotional well-being. As part of an ongoing conversation, initial thoughts on addressing loneliness in our society are discussed.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Changing Limiting Beliefs

On this episode we take a look at the beliefs that may limit us in our day to day lives. Registered Psychologist Dr. Paola Lake looks at the roots of where negative self beliefs come from and shares some her methods on how a person can change those beliefs.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Registered Psychologist Dr. Paola Lake sits down with retired nurse Ginny Goslin where they discuss the subconsciously imposed barriers that inhibit the ability for a person to regulate their emotions and decision making. The lies we tell ourselves.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Letting Go of Guilt for Caretakers - Guided Meditation

Ease Guilt is a guided meditation designed to reduce limiting beliefs and guilt/fear or other emotions that interfere with your ability to take time for your own self-care. For caretakers, self-care can be challenging and associated with feelings of guilt and fear when tending to personal needs. As a consequence of chronic self-neglect, burnout, fatigue and illness can affect the caretaker’s quality of life. With repeated listening, the subconscious mind can absorb new empowering beliefs and encourage/motivate you in your efforts to establish a protective space for you take care of you.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Self Awareness

Dr. Paola Lake dives into self awareness as we continue our exploration of emotional intelligence.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Weight Loss - Guided Meditation

Weight Loss is a guided meditation designed to help you develop subconscious belief patterns that support your goals for weight loss.  With repeated listening, limiting beliefs that sabotaged efforts towards weight loss will be replaced by thinking patterns that encourage self-regulation, self-confidence, and ultimately, facilitate efforts in losing weight.

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Culture Lake Psychology Administrator Culture Lake Psychology Administrator

Emotional Intelligence

What is emotional intelligence? On this episode of the Dr. Lake Show we begin exploring the measures of emotional intelligence and how being emotionally intelligent can benefit a person and the people around them.

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Culture, Health Lake Psychology Administrator Culture, Health Lake Psychology Administrator

Calm & Confident - Guided Meditation

Calm and Confident is a guided meditation designed to help you build confidence, reduce limiting beliefs, and approach personal challenges with self-compassion and encouragement. This meditation begins with a guided relaxation, followed by a series of affirmations to internalize into the subconscious mind with repeated listening.

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Dr. Paola Lake takes a moment to introduce herself and her history as a Psychologist as well as the motivations behind starting a podcast.

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